This BLOG is for and about people of the 1965 Class of Anacortes High School in the San Juan Islands of Washington State. The site might be useful to stay connected, pass important news and prepare for future reunions. PLEASE CONSIDER SENDING NEWS ABOUT YOU AND A PHOTO OR TWO FOR POSTING. THANKS! (photos enlarge with a mouseclick) _______________________________________________________

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Younger Next Year

A Book Review

After our non-reunion in August, I finished up my work in Washington and headed back to Texas. I drove the 2540 miles and arrived just in time to prepare for Hurricane Rita. In Houston, the storm struck only a glancing blow and there was little damage (only $111 million.) On the days after, however, the power was out for 36 hours while temperatures were in the 90's. The bright side of Rita for me was extended quality time for reading. As I finished the book, it occurred to me that I know a bunch of other people about my age, that might enjoy reading this. Now all you need is a hurricane.The photo above is of the traffic nightmare we avoided since we chose not to evacuate.

Younger Next Year is co-authored by a 70 year old attorney and a 47 year old MD. Its all about action needed to improve the quality and length of life as you head toward retirement. It was a delightful blend of science and practical experience. As you might expect, there is lots of discussion of exercise and nutrition. But, it’s an easy read with a sense of humor and a ton of practical advice. Some of the “rules” include: 1. exercise 6 days a week for the rest of your life; 2. stop eating crap; 3. connect and commit.

The book is written from the man’s perspective although I’ve shared lots of it with Candy and she has been inspired to action too. Besides, you ladies either live with an older guy or care about one or more so I’ll still encourage the read. This is the best book I’ve read this year. It’s available from Dwight Dawson

Saturday, September 10, 2005


Nobody could escape the many cameras that came along on August 6. Here is Jane Wingert!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

More mini-reunions

Perhaps as an spin-off to the August 6 gathering, lunch in Puyallup was an occasion for Jackie Addison, Barbara Larson and Gloria Glasoe. Dwight Dawson ate lunch too and took the picture.


Tom and Kittie Stewart were smiling all night until Tom remembered taxes were due April 15.

Life is good...

Life is good 40 years after high school...just ask Linda Spencer and Diana Thorene!

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