Doug Tidrington provided this historic photo of members of the Class of 1965. Doug and Pat Trupp have both provided comments on who they think appears in the photo. See below.
Dwight Dawson, d3dawson@gmail.com
This BLOG is for and about people of the 1965 Class of Anacortes High School in the San Juan Islands of Washington State. The site might be useful to stay connected, pass important news and prepare for future reunions. PLEASE CONSIDER SENDING NEWS ABOUT YOU AND A PHOTO OR TWO FOR POSTING. THANKS! d3dawson@gmail.com (photos enlarge with a mouseclick) _______________________________________________________
from top to bottom -
connie wahl, nancy newman, carol rice, candy lower, nancy mudge, roberta merill,barbara daniels,
lee-ann issacson, galene fraley, jill brown, patty snyder,toni del orto,me, bob thatcher,rick weber, paul evans, jack cheney, larry eisenzimer,daryl compton, dick giles, tom swapp, frank sherman,doug merz, jackie addison, barbara larson, robley corsey. may have missed someone!
I can name quite a few of the kids in this class – I am on the left – third row down or fourth row up.
Bottom row from left: ?? (can’t remember his name) Jackie Addison, Doug Merz, Barbara Larson, Cheryl Sawyer, Robley Corsi
2nd row: Dick Giles, Steve Hamilton, ???(maybe Tom Swapp) Randy Iverson, Paul Evans, Jack Cheney, Larry Eisenzimmer(sp), Daryl Compton
3rd row: Rod Dorland?? (not sure)
4th row: me, Pat Snyder, Toni Dell-Orto, Doug Tidrington is behind Randy Iverson, Don’t know the next one, Roger Powers – he is the one with glasses, ??don’t know the last one
5th row: LeeAnn Isaacson, Galene Fraley, Jill Brown
6th row: Connie Wahl, Nancy Newman, Carol Rice (I’m pretty sure), Candy Lower, Nancy Mudge, Roberta ?? (can’t remember her last name) and don’t know the last girl in the top row.
I have this picture somewhere too. What good memories. This was Mr. Kilpatrick’s class, 6th grade.
Pat Trupp
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