A Book Review
After our non-reunion in August, I finished up my work in Washington and headed back to Texas. I drove the 2540 miles and arrived just in time to prepare for Hurricane Rita. In Houston, the storm struck only a glancing blow and there was little damage (only $111 million.) On the days after, however, the power was out for 36 hours while temperatures were in the 90's. The bright side of Rita for me was extended quality time for reading. As I finished the book, it occurred to me that I know a bunch of other people about my age, that might enjoy reading this. Now all you need is a hurricane.The photo above is of the traffic nightmare we avoided since we chose not to evacuate.
Younger Next Year is co-authored by a 70 year old attorney and a 47 year old MD. Its all about action needed to improve the quality and length of life as you head toward retirement. It was a delightful blend of science and practical experience. As you might expect, there is lots of discussion of exercise and nutrition. But, it’s an easy read with a sense of humor and a ton of practical advice. Some of the “rules” include: 1. exercise 6 days a week for the rest of your life; 2. stop eating crap; 3. connect and commit.
The book is written from the man’s perspective although I’ve shared lots of it with Candy and she has been inspired to action too. Besides, you ladies either live with an older guy or care about one or more so I’ll still encourage the read. This is the best book I’ve read this year. It’s available from Amazon.com. Dwight Dawson
1 comment:
Noticed this today on Motleyfool.com
To guarantee a lousy retirement...
Earlier this year, Motley Fool Rule Your Retirement editor
Robert Brokamp interviewed Chris Crowley, author of Younger Next
Year: A Guide to Living Like 50 Until 80 and Beyond. Crowley
offered some thoughts on how to live a healthy and vibrant
retirement. But that's not our goal; for a truly unhappy and
unhealthy retirement, follow these precepts:
- Don't exercise. Exercise sends a constant "grow" message to
your body to get stronger and more limber. By not exercising,
your nerves will decay and your joints will wear out.
- Eat junk. Indulge yourself with french fries, fast food, and
delicious Krispy Kreme donuts. And don't ignore trans-fatty
acids, high-fructose corn syrup, nicotine, and alcohol each
and every day.
- Disconnect and wither. Close up shop and narrow your social
circles. The key to an unsuccessful retirement is a life of isolation.
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