This BLOG is for and about people of the 1965 Class of Anacortes High School in the San Juan Islands of Washington State. The site might be useful to stay connected, pass important news and prepare for future reunions. PLEASE CONSIDER SENDING NEWS ABOUT YOU AND A PHOTO OR TWO FOR POSTING. THANKS! (photos enlarge with a mouseclick) _______________________________________________________

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Flower Fund Class of 1965

Check in again soon to learn about the Flower Fund that is being created to remember classmates who go on ahead of us. Tim Walters is chairing this effort and will be posting information on how to participate in the next month or two. If you'd like to help, contact Tim at

Saturday, May 20, 2006

From Arizona

For enlargement, just click on the picture. In April 2006, these Seahawks gathered in Arizona. Linda Spencer, Donna Neutzman, Bill Jammerman and Gloria Glasoe.

Now the rest of you, get those new digital cameras working and send me some photos!

Dwight Dawson, Posted by Picasa

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